“Our members maintain the integrity of vital services such as water, sanitary, drainage, and road maintenance as well as parks and recreation services.”

Who we are

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 498 was established in 1952. CUPE Local 498 represents approximately 500 members serving the needs of 63,000 residents in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada. The union and its elected officials provide representation for each of its members. Responsibilities range from grievance and conflict resolution to negotiating the Collective Agreement (CA) with our employer.

While Local 498 is an autonomous body, it remains affiliated to CUPE BC and CUPE National. Both organizations, CUPE BC and CUPE National, strive to help represent over 500,000 members across Canada. CUPE 498 members consider themselves partners with both the employer and residents in helping build and maintain a vibrant community in Port Coquitlam. Our member’s dedication ensures that Port Coquitlam residents get the best possible services.

To finance what is arguably one of the most desirable municipalities in British Columbia our members assist in the collection of taxes. While taxes are never popular, the monies collected help pay for our members who provide enforcement of bylaws and community safety; through policing and assisting fire services. Members in the planning, engineering, and building departments help facilitate the significant development in the community. We maintain the integrity of vital services such as water, sanitary and drainage as well as roads maintenance.

Pulling together the labyrinth of information collected by the City, for use by the citizens and business, are our committed members in the Information Technology Department. Dedicated members in publicly run facilities such as the Hyde Creek Recreation Centre, Port Coquitlam Community Centre, and Leigh Square Arts Village ably provide for the recreational and cultural needs of our citizens.

Many of our members choose to live, work and play in Port Coquitlam. We believe it is vital for members to help contribute in making Port Coquitlam a strong community. Countless members give back to the community serving as coaches, leaders, and volunteers in community groups.

What allows our members the time and opportunity to volunteer in the community are the benefits derived through the sacrifices of union activists of generations past. Benefits provided by the hard-earned tax dollars of the citizens of the City of Port Coquitlam. Because of this, CUPE 498 members are aware of the expectations and responsibilities the taxpaying public place upon us.

The members of CUPE 498 are proud of the job they do on behalf of the citizens and hope you, the public, are too.