Shop Stewards
Shop Stewards process all grievances. Grievances are received in writing on the forms provided by the National Office and must be signed by the complainant or complainants.
Current Shop Stewards
No results.
Entertainment Committee
The Entertainment Committee arranges and conducts all social and recreational activities of the Local either on the Committee’s own initiative or as a result of actions taken at membership meetings. The Committee submits reports and proposals to the Executive Board or to the membership as required.
Current Committee Members
Good & Welfare Committee
The Good & Welfare Committee extend the Local’s condolences in the event of the death of family member. It also extends the Local’s congratulations on the birth or adoption of a child. Submit your request by visiting the good and welfare page.
Current Committee Members
Political Action Committee
This Committee monitors City Council meetings and implements any political action as deemed appropriate by the membership.
Current Committee Members
Safety Committee
Current Committee Members
Women’s Committee
Current Committee Members